
A peek at investable tomorrow's human-technology interface, today.

Friday, July 12, 2024

From Incubator to Unicorn Farmer: The Story Behind the Name

“Many expected me to step into retirement in 2017, and yes, that I did. I became a farmer, albeit one that farms ‘unicorn’. Being called a ‘unicorn farmer’ wasn’t just a whimsical nickname—it was a reflection of my journey and achievements in the world of startups and entrepreneurship. The term ‘unicorn’ denotes a privately held startup valued at over $1 billion, while ‘farmer’ suggests someone who nurtures and cultivates growth. Combining these ideas, ‘unicorn farmer’ describes someone like me who not only spots high-potential startups but also helps them evolve into billion-dollar successes.

The first step in my journey as a ‘unicorn farmer’ involves identifying startups with exceptional potential. Although leaving behind the days of CommerceNet more than nine years behind then, 2017 was refreshingly important. For once, I was choosing my own portfolio rather than that of others. This requires a keen eye for emerging trends and an understanding of what makes a startup stand out. “Who controls access to deal flows, who wins.” This is extremely clear to me. With this, I have elected to work with events organisers globally, regardless of their personal agenda(s). By sharing selflessly, yes, the key here, selfless; I can start building relationships with these potential candidates. Still, one must have the power of imagination, assuming everything is possible; and patience to listen out to every ideas presented. Over the years, I’ve honed my ability to recognise promising ventures early on. It’s about spotting those unique ideas and innovative solutions that could one day make a significant impact and achieve remarkable growth.

Once I’ve identified these high-potential startups, my next role is to nurture their growth. It is about ensuring the seeds are well selected and planted. It is about time and patience. This part of the journey is akin to farming—I provide the necessary resources, mentorship, and guidance to help these startups thrive. I work closely with them to refine their business models, enhance their products or services, and build strong teams. My goal is to create an environment where these startups can flourish and tackle the challenges of scaling successfully.

Transforming potential into reality is where the true challenge and excitement lie. Guiding a startup from its early stages to a unicorn status involves navigating numerous obstacles, from market competition to financial hurdles. I take pride in supporting these ventures through their growth phases, leveraging my experience to help them achieve that coveted billion-dollar valuation. This process is incredibly rewarding, as it represents turning innovative ideas into successful, high-impact businesses.

Being labeled a ‘unicorn farmer’ also reflects the track record of success. It means to consistently achieved remarkable outcomes by helping startups reach unicorn status. This reputation is built on a history of successful ventures and the ability to replicate that success. It’s gratifying to know that these achievements contribute to a broader narrative of innovation and growth within the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

My role as a ‘unicorn farmer’ extends beyond individual startups. It influences the broader startup ecosystem, inspiring other entrepreneurs, investors, and industry leaders. It is about M&A, financial engineering, and willingness to deploy your best resources to feed the candidates. By demonstrating how to nurture and scale high-potential ventures, I hope  to set a standard for excellence and innovation. These success stories become models for others to follow, amplifying the impact on the industry and shaping the future of entrepreneurship...”

從孵化器到獨角獸農場主: 名稱背後的故事

“許多人預期我會在2017年退休, 的確, 我也這麼做了。我成為了一名農場主, 雖然我種的是 ’獨角獸’。被稱為 ‘獨角獸農場主’ 不僅僅是一個有趣的暱稱, 它反映了我在創業世界中的旅程和成就。‘獨角獸’指的是估值超過10億美元的私營初創公司, 而‘農場主’則暗示著某人培養和促進成長。將這些概念結合起來, ‘獨角獸農場主’ 形容的就是像我這樣的人, 我不僅能夠發掘高潛力的初創公司, 還能幫助它們發展成為價值十億美元的成功企業。

作為’獨角獸農場主’的第一步是識別具有卓越潛力的初創公司。儘管我當時已經離開了 CommerceNet 超過九年, 但 2017 年對我來說仍然是非常重要的一年。這一次, 我選擇了自己的投資組合, 而不是他人的。這需要敏銳的眼光來識別新興趨勢, 以及了解什麼讓一個初創公司脫穎而出。「誰控制了交易流, 誰就贏。」這點我非常清楚。基於這一點, 我選擇與全球的活動組織者合作, 不論他們的個人議程如何。通過無私的分享, 確實, 這裡的關鍵是 ‘無私’; 我可以開始與這些潛在候選人建立關係。當然, 也需要具備想像力, 假設一切皆有可能; 以及耐心傾聽每一個提出的想法。多年來, 我已經磨練了早期識別有前景的企業的能力。這是關於識別那些獨特的創意和創新解決方案, 這些可能會在未來產生顯著影響並實現顯著增長。

一旦我識別了這些高潛力的初創公司, 我的下一個角色就是培養它們的成長。這涉及確保選擇和種植的種子都是優良的。這是關於時間和耐心。這一過程類似於農業——我提供必要的資源、指導和建議, 幫助這些初創公司繁榮發展。我與他們緊密合作, 完善他們的商業模型, 提升他們的產品或服務, 並建立強大的團隊。我的目標是創造一個讓這些初創公司能夠茁壯成長並成功面對擴展挑戰的環境。

將潛力轉化為現實是挑戰和興奮所在。指導一個初創公司從早期階段到成為獨角獸狀態涉及克服眾多障礙, 從市場競爭到財務挑戰。我為支持這些企業在成長階段感到驕傲, 利用我的經驗幫助它們實現那夢寐以求的十億美元估值。這一過程極具回報, 因為它代表了將創新想法轉化為成功且具高影響力的業務。

被稱為 ‘獨角獸農場主’ 也反映了一定的成功履歷。這意味著可持續實現了卓越的成果, 幫助初創公司達到獨角獸地位。這個聲譽建立在成功的企業歷史和可重複這些成功的能力上。知道這些的成就為創業生態系統中的創新和增長貢獻了更廣泛的敘事, 讓我感到欣慰。

我作為 ‘獨角獸農場主’ 的角色超越了單個初創公司。它影響了更廣泛的初創生態系統, 激勵了其他創業者、投資者和行業領袖。這涉及到併購、財務工程以及願意投入最佳資源以滋養候選人。通過展示如何培養和擴展高潛力的企業, 我希望可樹立了一個卓越和創新的標準。這些成功故事成為了他人效法的榜樣, 擴大了我對行業的影響力, 並塑造了創業的未來...”